Child of the Cosmos Revisited…

It’s funny. Just days before seeing the following image from Child of the Cosmos, I was having my own goofy thoughts regarding how difficult developing a working missile defense system has turned out to be… But then it occurred to me that the European Space Agency – Rosetta mission team did have a little more…

Perception – Sticks and Stones…

Last night I watched the 2nd episode from the 3rd season of another show that really excites and engages me – TNT’s Perception. I wrote about it a year ago as well (in a post that also went almost completely unnoticed) and its longevity has surprised me even more that of Continuum. And yet here I am, writing about it again. Hell, maybe you do have to be crazy to get it, but there’s apparently crazy enough to go around!

Continuum – Dark Places…

The heart wants what the heart wants, right? And whether it’s for love, family, a better world, or merely to survive, we all feel the urge to fight for what we want despite the obstacles standing in our way – even when the odds against us seem impossibly high. Struggles such as that, IMHO, are perhaps the essential defining characteristic of our species – the one thing we all have in common regardless of where we come from as individuals. And when we, as individuals, look for something to inspire us – to make the odds we face seem less insurmountable somehow – there’s just nothing like a bigger-than-life tale of heroism, true or fictional, to do the trick.

The SyFy Channel series Continuum is one such tale.