What To Do, What To Do…

If you’re anything like me, then the events of the last week (hell, the whole damned year!) have left you spinning around with your mouth hanging open. And even if you aren’t quite as weird as I am, you still (like me) have to have come to the conclusion that the usual … just isn’t cutting it. Well get a grip and settle down my friends, because the great John Oliver has come to the rescue with a totally hilarious summary of what’s happened as well as some damned good suggestions as to what to do about it!

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

Hell, even I, during my oddly-reversed-yet-weirdly-the-same version of Lloyd Bridges’ “Steve McCroskey” character from the movie Airplane!, have spent a year and a half studiously avoiding reflections of my own nightmarish fears of just WTF might be on the horizon…

This Is Your Life 101…

Well, I haven’t posted since Mother’s Day. I’ve been a little busy with doctors appointments, new medications, catching up on my DVR recordings (that I got behind on worrying about all of that), and dreading all the damned appointments to come. Those who know me, and manage to give a shit anyway, will understand why what follows are apt reflections of the turmoil going on in my head…

A Marvelous Cinematic Overload!

Just in case you aren’t as pumped as I am about the opening of The Avengers Age of Ultron movie tomorrow, and Tuesday night’s episode of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. wasn’t enough to push you over the edge, I’ve assembled this crazy group of videos (with help from the folks at Geeks Are Sexy) to…

How To Cook A Fucking Steak!

Call me weird, because I’ve been laughing my ass off ever since I first stumbled across this. And while you’re at it, I guess you can call me a criminal too, because I’m reblogging this shit exactly as I found it. Of course, if you agree with my assessment of the writing and you’d like to keep me out of whatever kind of hell they throw people like me in for stealing shit like this – not to mention preventing the $5 in my bank account from being seized in some lame-assed lawsuit – you’ll use the links I’m providing to give the guy who actually fucking wrote it his due…