The Truth’s Too Hard To Mention

First of all, yesterday was my birthday, so Happy Birthday to me! Thank you very much. I did actually mean to post this yesterday, but just couldn’t find the motivation. You know how it is… Anyway, back at the beginning of my journey through the Hell of mental illness, one of those ‘crisis’ counselor people…


I wonder. Could it be that living with such doubt in our minds is the very reason why we humans have always craved the comfort and support, imagined or not, of life in a community? In the end, I don’t know. I also don’t know if my paranoia, by isolating me from the “evil” influence of others, has actually helped me through the years, or if maybe, just maybe, a few more “Gibbs slaps” from others might well have done me some good…

Reflections Between The Lines…

How could I have been so insane, so arrogant, as to think I could actually achieve, here, something so grand as to demand your recognition, all the while knowing it would require of me the kind of courage I’d never been able to muster before. And yet, in the midst of this terrible sense of failure, I can’t help but miss the effort…

This Is Your Life 101…

Well, I haven’t posted since Mother’s Day. I’ve been a little busy with doctors appointments, new medications, catching up on my DVR recordings (that I got behind on worrying about all of that), and dreading all the damned appointments to come. Those who know me, and manage to give a shit anyway, will understand why what follows are apt reflections of the turmoil going on in my head…