Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian!

OMG, has someone finally filled that yawning chasm leftover when Dana Carvey stopped doing his “Church Lady” bit on SNL? Well, maybe. You’ll just have to judge for yourselves…

Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to present to you Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian! 😛

Your Problem Is Obvious!

In one of those “weirdly ironical” twists, yesterday’s really bad mood was both accentuated and relieved by a report on my local morning news that the Ohio State Fair would be opening today, and that the fair’s annual Butter Cow was all ready to go. I mean really, cows sculpted from butter? Life here in “The First World” is just so damned hard! 🙄

But that report did at least remind me of these hilarious Weird Al Yankovic videos… 😉

Where Do We Draw The Line?

I simply haven’t been able to get this song out of my head since fellow blogger Poietes posted it on Tuesday. I mean, seriously, is there a better testament to the state of our world today?

Agreeing To Disagree?

Oh dear. As is a habit I find hard to resist, I posted the following image to Facebook the other day. To which my nephew, the minister, couldn’t resist going off on a rant about. First claiming that, without Jesus, Dr. Convit wouldn’t have had the abilities he had, and then going on to claim that “Jesus is the reason for hospitals, universities, and the printing press.” He then posed the question “Why is it so easy to embrace resentment, anger, hostility, superstition, occult, and aliens, and yet we have such a hard time with people who live by love?” WTF?!?!