
The unusually emotive sculptures of Oslo-based blacksmith and photographer Tobbe Malm, with a couple of “extras” thrown in for good measure…

As Cold As Ice!

Brrrrr! We set a new record low temperature here overnight. Officially, they’re saying it got down to -11, but the weather thingy in my browser was showing -14 at 3:30am, just before I decided to crawl under my blankets. At any rate, I was inspired by the following image, a copy of which was posted over on Tacky Raccoons…

Child of the Cosmos Revisited…

It’s funny. Just days before seeing the following image from Child of the Cosmos, I was having my own goofy thoughts regarding how difficult developing a working missile defense system has turned out to be… But then it occurred to me that the European Space Agency – Rosetta mission team did have a little more…

Gravitational Beauty…

I had actually planned to include some of these images in my previous post. Unfortunately, deciding when I’ve had enough proved to be as difficult as closing a big bag of my favorite chips… They’re as irresistible as gravity man! O_o