Preparing For The Storm…

We were lucky here where I live in central Ohio, as we only got a 4-5 inch “taste” of the ‘Possibly Historic’ storm now heading for New England. For the poor folks about to have a couple of feet dumped upon them however, I thought a little help in setting the “proper mood” might be in order…

The Arrow and Hawkeye have nothing on this guy!

Robin Hood, Green Arrow, Katniss Everdeen, Legolas of Mirkwood, Abigail Whistler, and Hawkeye. Fans of archery “superheroes” everywhere will recognize those names. Well my friends, meet real-life archery superstar Lars Andersen, and watch how he blows all those comic book and Hollywood myths away!


My friend Rincewind shared the link to the space.io9 post containing Erik Wernquist’s video with me last weekend, but, as you know, I was a little busy having my mind blown in a much less fun way by a ransomware attack. Fortunately, the folks over at Twisted Sifter did their own post on it to remind me. Personally, I’d watch almost anything that includes a voice-over by Carl Sagan, but his voice over stunning imagery like this is something special indeed

As The ‘Spacehead’ Drools…

I don’t know about you, but after the recent setbacks on the commercial side of our space program, this is one ‘spacehead’ that could use a little good news from the space exploration front. Well my friends, there are a couple of upcoming major events, one by the folks at the European Space Agency (ESA) and another by NASA, that may provide just what dreamers like me need to boost our spirits! 😀