Old Man Take A Look At My Life…

Old man look at my life,
I’m a lot like you were.
Old man look at my life,
I’m a lot like you were.

Lyrics from “Old Man” by Neil Young

Truth be told, I wasn’t exactly enthralled by Neil Young’s voice when I first heard him sing all those years ago. But, being that “Old Man” was released so close on the heels of my father’s death, it naturally caught my attention. And now, having been reminded of it again by my TV, it’s occurred to me just how much my life has come full circle from that time. You see, the last time I saw my father, he was on what I learned later was his death bed, in a VA hospital. And one of the many things that bugged me about that was just how little of him and his life I actually knew…

Now while I don’t actually expect to die anytime soon (fingers crossed of course), when I do, at least it’ll be with the knowledge that my kids know far more about me than I did about my father.

Old man take a look at my life I’m a lot like you
I need someone to love me the whole day through
Ah, one look in my eyes and you can tell that’s true.

Lyrics from “Old Man” by Neil Young

Interestingly, at least according to Wikipedia, Neil didn’t write that song about his father…

I want ice water.

More from the Just Vibes volume

2 thoughts on “Old Man Take A Look At My Life…

  1. Even with great two-way relationships, there are things we won’t know about each other. We just have to make the most of the time we have with the ones we love. And be glad we have them in our lives … because some people have no one.

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