Against Some Mad Bugger’s Wall…

… We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of…

Sunday Reflections – The Last Resort

This morning, while re-watching the beautiful time-lapse videos I posted yesterday, I was reminded of one of my all-time favorite songs. One with a very powerful message. I can’t think of a more appropriate tune for Sunday Reflections… I want ice water. More from the Just Vibes volume

Bad News From Home…

If you read, watch TV, or go to the movies, then at some point you’ve heard a horror story about someone, usually a woman, having been roofied – violated without their consent, or even knowledge, and only learning about it much later when the annoying little clues just pile up to the point they can…

Bad Religion

After seeing these wonderful images posted at the Always Question Authority blog, you know I just could not resist finding out where they came from! 😀 (Click through the images to go to the original post)

Genius or Obsession?

Here’s an interesting question for you: What’s the difference between a “genius” and someone so obsessed with something that he literally cannot rest until he’s got it figured out? Is there a difference at all? I ask because I’ve been the “obsessed” type for as long as I can remember, and have always dismissed those…

Nothing Is Ever Black And White

It’s hard to pin down how, exactly, USA Network’s Suits has become one of my very favorite summertime relief shows. It could be the confident and brilliant characters, dominating, like some kind of awesome and terrifying mega sharks, a veritable sea of money and power: Even the best lawyer in New York City can use…

Riding The Lightning

“Albert Pine said, ‘What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world, remains and is immortal.’” – Agent Jason Gideon That quote is from the end of the “Riding the Lightning” episode of Criminal Minds – one of the most intensely thought provoking episodes from the show’s very…