The Return Of Lawrence O’Donnell

You know, I can’t decide if it’s the annoying way they deliver the bad news with a smile, or that nagging feeling I get that what they are reporting as “news” is actually some carefully contrived bit of “spin” designed to manipulate the politics of the masses, but either way, I am not a big fan of television news. Don’t get me wrong, I do check in now and then just to check on the weather and to make sure I won’t be the last guy on earth to know the world is ending, but, as a general rule, I find the news to be just too damned depressing to watch for more than a few minutes at a time.

But there are a couple of “voices” on the news that I really like listening to, even though we may disagree on so many things. One of them is Rachel Maddow (of The Rachel Maddow Show), and the other is Lawrence O’Donnell (of The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell). I may avoid the heavily left-leaning MSNBC throughout the day as much as I avoid all the rest, but I try to at least check-in once or twice during at evening just to see what’s up with those two.

The thing is, though I’d been checking-in as regularly as usual, I just kept missing Mr. O’Donnell over the last couple of months somehow – that is, until last night…

I am both extremely embarrassed that I hadn’t heard of the accident Mr. O’Donnell was involved in until last night, and very happy that everyone involved in it seems to have come out okay. For those of you who’re wondering how it is that I could have missed hearing about such a big event, all I can do is point you to that F. Scott Fitzgerald quote Lawrence included in his report…

F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Test Of A First Rate Intelligence

And remind you that, for me, “retaining my ability to function” in a world where “all news seems ‘spun’ to manipulate the politics of the masses” requires me to ignore most of what I hear about the personal lives of celebrated people.

Incidentally, as one who has spent more than his share of time in hospitals, I couldn’t agree with Lawrence more when it comes to praising those who’ve provided my care. Furthermore, my youngest daughter, Sabra, is, in fact, named after the nurse who treated both my ex-wife and myself so well when she was being born. I don’t know if she was aware that the little boy we had had a year or so before had died right after his birth, but the care and sensitivity she showed towards us was just what we needed to get through some very tense moments…

BTW, I so wanted to include a clip of that night’s “The Rewrite” segment too, but I couldn’t find a copy on YouTube to post. The segment not only payed tribute to the late Sandy Frank, but also stands, I think, as a great lesson in how people with even the greatest differences in political viewpoints can still get along quite well – and perhaps, even, be the best of friends. If you want, you can see it at ‘Come on America, we can do this’.

Welcome back Lawrence O’Donnell! 🙂

I want ice water.

More from the Random Ravings volume

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8 thoughts on “The Return Of Lawrence O’Donnell

  1. I had no idea O’Donnell had been injured. So glad he’s okay. Like you, I find him to be one of the two bright spots on MSNBC. I should tune in more often and enjoy the fact that he’s still with us.


  2. Lawrence was amazing last night. I had known about the accident and couldn’t wait for him to return (although Ari was GREAT filling in for him). Let me say this straight up: The ONLY reason I keep tabs on Lawrence is because he was one of the driving forces behind one my favorite shows: The West Wing. That’s when I first knew who he was. He’s a bit too LEFT for me (yes, I’m much more of a centrist, shoot me), but I can’t help to flip over there every once in a while and listen to what he has to say. He is always passionate, always perfectly dramatic and always, always, always kindly doing for others (his reaching out and getting school desks for kids in Africa is/was brilliant!). Anyways, I knew he’d be back and I knew he would come back with a wonderful opening… I had no idea! He was brilliant. I teared, I laughed (the Koch brothers really?) — I was so proud of him. I loved the reminder, I loved the honesty. It was well done and oh, so very “Lawrence O’Donnell-y”. Gotta love it!


    • He was indeed amazing my friend, but I’m afraid you’ve caught me completely unawares when it comes to his back story. Though he’s always seemed very familiar to me, the little bit of history revealed in that “Rewrite” piece was very surprising. And now you tell me he was involved in The West Wing too?!?! O_o

      I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised. After all, nobody gets to be THAT polished without LOTS and LOTS of practice! 😀


      • Aaaaah, well yes, he was a pretty big deal on the West Wing, as a Writer and Executive Producer. He also tried his acting chops playing President Jeb Bartlet’s Father in one of the reflection episodes — I believe it was Two Cathedrals. Here is a link for more information on him:

        You’ll have to forgive me, regardless of political party affiliation, I always keep tabs on Bostonians — so clearly I’m a bit biased. But yes, in case you missed it — he’s also from Bahsten. So, no matter how crazy lefty he gets sometimes, he has cool street cred with me. and yes his participation on the success of The West Wing: Well that’s just icing! LOL! 🙂


        • Oh good grief Carmen, it’s no wonder Lawrence seems so familiar. Even without knowing about his writing / producing credentials, his having actually performed on The West Wing, The Practice, Monk, and Franklin & Bash is enough to rank him amongst my heroes! O_o

          As for his political affiliation, well that’s something I just can’t get all worked up about. Being a Libertarian-leaning Individualist, it’s a rare day that I find myself among those who agree with me on all the issues. As far as I’m concerned, any person who is both peaceful and articulate is alright by me! 😀


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