The Key To Happiness?

You just never know where those “deep insights” will come from, do you? As a depressed person, living in the world I see around me, I’ve often wondered at what seems like an “inappropriate degree of happiness” in other people. Well I finally got my answer yesterday, in, of all places, the movie Ice Age: Continental Drift

Wow, that explains so much! The movie even went on to answer another “age-old question” (sorry about the video)…

Man, two big mysteries solved in one day? I’m feeling “happier” by the minute! 🙄

Crash and Eddie - Very Stupid

Crash and Eddie - Beep

I want ice water.

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10 thoughts on “The Key To Happiness?

    • Although I wouldn’t put it quite that way, the answer, but unfortunately, is yes. Statistically, the more intelligent and creative a person is, the more likely they are to suffer from depression. Even worse, those who do become depressed are far more likely to “self-medicate” and become addicts. Personally, I’ve often wondered if the self-medication thing arises as much from the desire to “dumb-down” as it does from the need to fight the psychic pain…


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