Updating The Madness…

I really hate not being able to post. Unfortunately, my rollercoaster ride of a life just gets in the way. And then, when I do get it together enough to sit down and “creatively vent” as this blog was intended, my ever-freezing PC often just refuses to cooperate. So, I’m left with my thoughts and my ideas crashing together and piling up, like so many cars on an iced over Michigan freeway. Sigh…

At any rate, one big thing I so wanted to post about was my Ohio State Buckeyes becoming the 1st College Football National Champions of the new playoff era on Monday night…

My Adventure In Hostage Land!

A funny thing happened over the weekend, that is “funny” as in “embarrassing.” You see, I’d been experimenting over the last week or so to gradually reduce the number of things running in the background on my PC to see if I might get a better picture of what might be behind the recent increase in freeze-ups I’ve been experiencing. Well, I got tired and, worse yet, I didn’t think to turn my security settings back up before allowing my son to use my PC to do a little social networking. Nevertheless, I was still shaken to the core when he called me to come see the strange “pop-up” that had suddenly appeared on my screen announcing the horrible truth that my PC was no longer under my control!

Well Shut My Blasphemous Mouth!

No, this isn’t another rant about religion or the absurdity of religious beliefs. I’ll leave that (this time) to the fine people that posted the two images I’ve included to help make my point. No my friends, this short little rant is aimed squarely at those demigods of Automattic – a name which, today, reminds me way too much of that movie Transcendencethe Almighty folks at WordPress!

That Small Measure Of Relief…

This is for those who’ve wondered what the heel inspired me to “go off” the way I did in my A WTF Monday! post. It’s a little more involved than I had intended, so feel free to skip it if you want…

A WTF Monday!

Have you ever been just minding your own business, not hurting anyone or anything, and then out of the blue you find yourself under attack from forces outside your reach and beyond your control? Well that’s what my day has been like today. Hell, as you know, the entire past week has pretty much sucked…

Ridin’ The Storm Out

As the full story of Hurricane-turned-Superstorm Sandy continues to unravel, with so many people still waiting to see just how badly their lives have been changed by its wrath, I just wanted to share a little of what I’ve been collecting as the story developed. From the October 26, 2012 Frankenstorm: What we know about…

53 Years of Nuclear Testing in 14 Minutes

Well, I think my “disturbing information” quota has been filled for the day… Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto has created a beautiful, undeniably scary time-lapse map of the 2053 nuclear explosions which have taken place between 1945 and 1998, beginning with the Manhattan Project’s “Trinity” test near Los Alamos and concluding with Pakistan’s nuclear tests in…

Bad News From Home…

If you read, watch TV, or go to the movies, then at some point you’ve heard a horror story about someone, usually a woman, having been roofied – violated without their consent, or even knowledge, and only learning about it much later when the annoying little clues just pile up to the point they can…

42, 39, 17, 10, and 4

Okay folks, I’ll warn you right up front: This post falls into that “self-therapy” thing this blog was originally set up for. Reading it could well be as upsetting for you as it has been for me to write. Feel free to comment if you wish, but please don’t be upset if I’m too uncomfortable…