Happy New Year 2015!

Having been awakened at 5am by you know what (even after the treatment on Tuesday!), I’ll admit that I’m not exactly in a “festive” mood. But I am up, with time on my hands, and nothing better to do. So I thought I’d throw a little something together to celebrate the start of the New Year. Besides, I’m still a sentimental fool at heart, who just can’t seem to stop believing in a better tomorrow.

I Think I’m Starting To Feel It Now!

I’m not quite sure I understand it, but there’s something weird is going on here. Somehow, the after-effects of that stupid movie from last night have co-mingled with all the “cheery goodness” radiating from today’s comment exchanges to produce a most unfamiliar “warmth” within my chest cavity… 😉

Happy Days Are Here Again, Sort Of…

Well, for today at least. I’m feeling downright giddy in fact. Woohoo! But please, hold your applause and/or jeers while I explain… After all, I nearly called this post “Bah, Humbug!” First of all, it would be an enormous understatement to say “I was less than satisfied” with my attempt, in yesterday’s “Black” Musings… post,…

Ghosts From Thanksgivings Past

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I’ve been up since early this morning making my very first sweet potato pies, and I’ve still got my dinner to prepare. And then, of course, there’s that big tradition of “nodding-off-after-stuffing-my-face-while-watching-NFL-football-games-on-TV” to get to. Skipping that part would be nothing short of sacrilegious! 😆 With such a “busy day” ahead, I’m…

Ghosts of the Past, Present and Future

This first one is from my son. Lists of Note has posted 20 predictions, for the year 2000, made back in 1949 by one of my favorite authors: Heinlein’s Predictions. As you can probably guess, it proves how near to impossible it is to predict the future. Oddly enough, he did much better when it…

Venting My Inner Sam

Now I have no desire to invite comparisons between myself and our little green friend on the right, but it IS that time of year again after all, and the seasonal blahs are hitting me even harder than usual. Having started just before Thanksgiving and with no let up expected until well after New Years…

It’s That Time Of Year Again

I wrote the following as a comment for a post on a friend’s blog, only to find out that comments were closed. The post was about the implications of the financial crisis in the city-state of Dubai. And since we are, once again, entering the part of the year where we tend to commit the…

On The Shoulders Of Giants

When A. P. Herbert said, A high-brow is someone who looks at a sausage and thinks of Picasso he was no doubt talking about wannabe philosophers like myself. It is quite true that I tend to see even the most mundane things as part of a much larger “Cosmic Web Of Inter-Connectedness.” And trust me,…