Happy Days Are Here Again…

You know, with all I do on the Internet, and all the TV shows I watch, I can barely keep up with the few sports broadcasts I do watch – which only averages 4 hours or more a day. Still, I must say that this is one helluva promotion for the new FOX Sports 1 channel!

Okay, back to tennis…

I want ice water.

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4 thoughts on “Happy Days Are Here Again…

  1. Thanks for helping me to take stock of how I really feel about sports. My favorite was
    Rhythmic Gymnastics, but upon reflection I realized that it was the little Romanian girls that
    were the real draw for me. Rhythmic Gymnastics lost a lot of its appeal for me when I started
    feeling just a bit “unclean”. I no longer take in Rhythmic Gymnastics even though I could
    probably rationalize that it IS an Olympic sport. Rationalization is a wonderful escape from
    the most unpleasant of truths!

    Looking over the other sports I find that for the most part they appear to be only a surrogate
    for that Ultimate Sport which is WAR. There is the voyeuristic carnage and sometimes even
    Death on TV. Also, lets not forget the huge amounts of money paid and wagered! Blood and
    Money! What could be better; Sex and Death? Maybe it is Sex and Death, but most don’t
    want to turn over that slimy rock in their psyche.

    The more I thought, the more I realized that stripping it all down to a kick to the head or a fist
    to the nose were the absolute essence of Sport and that for me it would have to be Boxing,
    Wrestling (real) or Cage Fighting. Those are the Sports I like!

    Now there is just one more thing. Are these actually sports at all? Maybe all they really are
    is the manifestation of power and wealth spattered with lots of blood and applause. How
    many millennia did it take to get HERE!


    • Wow Phillip, I’m not sure what to say. I know I question my support for sports at times, and I’ve drastically cut back on watching the more violent ones. I used to love boxing when I was young, but these days I’m more into tennis, baseball, and football (mostly college)…


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