Bizarre Laws Visualized!

From the weird and crazy, to the downright ridiculous, I’ve posted a lot about the law on this blog. So naturally, after seeing some of Olivia Locher’s “I Fought The Law” collection posted on Visual News, I just had to add another post to my collection! 🙂

WTF Florida?!?!

America: A nation of laws, representing the absolute peak in the evolution of human civilization. A land where one is free to work hard to build a dream, and then live out that dream in the great state of… WTF?!?!

Nothing Is Ever Black And White

It’s hard to pin down how, exactly, USA Network’s Suits has become one of my very favorite summertime relief shows. It could be the confident and brilliant characters, dominating, like some kind of awesome and terrifying mega sharks, a veritable sea of money and power: Even the best lawyer in New York City can use…

Can I REALLY Just Be Myself?

I was so impressed with this little beauty Sabina Brave included in her Always be yourself post over at Taste of life by Sabi: And I said as much in a comment there. But then I had to ask myself if there really was a place where someone like me could actually follow that advice?…

So, We’re Voting On Rights Now?

It appears that there are a lot of people out there who think they ought to be able to vote on who’s rights are protected by the U.S. Constitution and who’s aren’t. First there were the people out in California who thought that they could vote to deny same-sex couples the same rights they enjoy…

Jewish Law (via Grumpy old fart!!!)

This is a hilarious, tongue-in-cheek, look at living by biblical law! Recently I received the following email from a friend; I found it so amusing that I just had to share it. Orthodoxy has a lot to answer for. In her radio show, Dr Laura Schlesinger said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is…

The Trial of Hank Rearden

The following videos form a two-part dramatization of the trial of Hank Rearden from Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. Mr. Rearden was being tried for selling a quantity of Rearden Metal, which he had spent ten long years developing to be a stronger, yet lighter, replacement for steel, to a customer who would actually use it…