Amazing Curiosity Rover Interactive Panorama!

The link to the amazing graphic below was included in the Eye-Popping Interactive Panorama from the Curiosity Rover post at Universe Today, and just had to see if I could embed it here. Oh yeah! 😀

First, for perspective, I’ve borrowed this image from the Universe Today post:


Now just click to enjoy. Full screen is highly recommended!

Via Mars Panorama – Curiosity rover: Martian solar day 177

Be sure to visit the the Eye-Popping Interactive Panorama from the Curiosity Rover post for much more information! 😀

I want ice water.

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6 thoughts on “Amazing Curiosity Rover Interactive Panorama!

  1. Wow!! The Little Rover That Could! I’m so proud of NASA I could bust.

    You know, Mars here looks for all the world like a playground in Oklahoma in the summertime. Dusty, hard-baked, barren clay. Of course, Okla. would be completely flat …


    • NASA really is one of America’s greatest achievements. After this morning’s meteor explosion over Russia and practically simultaneous asteroid near miss, I can’t help but wonder if we’re going to someday regret just how much we’ve let politics get in the way of the truly life saving potential NASA has… 😕

      Funny, your reference to Oklahoma reminds me of Rachel Maddow pointing out last night how ironic it is the Oklahoma is both the “reddest” state in the union and the owner of the best pre-K system in the country (as acknowledged by the President point it out in his State of the Union address). 😀


  2. Interesting. It appears to me there are quite a few rocks that would be a serious impediment to Curiosity’s wheels. Navigation, having to be pre-programmed based on such visuals as these, is probably a challenge. Sure would be embarrassing to get stuck after all that’s gone before.


    • I’d hope that they took into account the “getting stuck” problems they had with the previous rovers when they designed this one. Perhaps that’s why they’re taking the time to do these details scans before making the next move? 😕


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