How To Properly Stack Firewood!

Another one from an email forwarded to me by my good friend Rosie. Very appropriate I think, considering that our area is experiencing the coldest days of the season yet!

How To Properly Stack Firewood

If you do not know how to pack firewood for the winter, here are some ideas:

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7 thoughts on “How To Properly Stack Firewood!

  1. I love it! It almost makes me forget how cold cold is. Actually I have forgotten how cold feels. It was the determining factor in moving to a warm climate when I was eighteen.


    • I’m not a big fan of cold weather, but I like hot weather even less. I can pile on the layers to protect myself against the cold, but I can only get so naked. Besides, winter gives me a break from the bugs. Definitely NOT a fan of bugs… 😮


  2. By the way, Mr. IzaakMak… I have a goo blogsite you can check out… if you please, you can check out my latest entry… Spain Travel, part 16… the link is there ! I think it’s right up your alley.You have to check his older posts, Science Agrregates.


  3. Flabbergasting! (If that’s a word.) We use firewood all winter, but the best I can ever do is about a 5-foot stack before it all starts to tip over. So I just have a series of 5-foot stacks randomly placed all over the yard. I’d love to be able to do a maze, though!


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