A Little Tuesday Lunacy


Via someecards.com

I had planned to use these images in a self mocking attempt at humor for my birthday last Monday. Unfortunately, I was so depressed by the time Monday rolled around that they didn’t seem the least bit funny to me. And of course, the week did not get any better…

But hey, I’m feeling much better today and I’m eager to try out some of the new media features WordPress recently announced


Image via Ai Shiteru

Images via Ai Shiteru

Besides, the delay has actually allowed time for me to remember a great song with opening lyrics that fit pretty well with how things turned out…

It’s so cool that I can now attach all the images for a post to that post and still have so many options for how they are displayed! Now if only WordPress can allow for true gallery centering and make the “columns” option actually work. I had to split the shortcodes for these galleries into separate two-image segments.

So, instead of one for each gallery, the mosaic above required three shortcodes and the one below required four…

Images via The North Will Rise

Even with the remaining limitations, when compared to the trickery required to get these effects before, I’d have to give the new media features a really big Thumbs Up! 😀

I want ice water.

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18 thoughts on “A Little Tuesday Lunacy

  1. That’s an impressive display. I’ve never even come close to trying to post stuff like that, but it sounds like a lot of work. Seems like it shouldn’t be that hard to put up two columns of images. Let’s hope WP is working on that.


  2. happy “after birth” day, my friend!!! Sorry I been so absent – trying to make more time to visit the great places WP has to offer – like yours!!!
    Holiday blessings, warmth and peace, too, IMAK!!!



    • “IMAK” eh? I like it! 😀

      I too have been trying to broaden my horizons a bit, but I’m “following” so many blogs now that I just can’t keep up. I shudder to think what I might have missed…

      Thanks for the “after birth” wishes! 😀


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