Howard Roark´s Speech

These videos are the trailer and 2 clips from the movie version of Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead, starring Gary Cooper. The actual speech is actually in the third clip, but the trailer is awesome, and the first clip is probably my favorite part of the story, since it’s a great testament to Roark’s implacability in the face of pernicious adversity.

This is the speech given by Howard Roark in defense of his having dynamited the government-sponsored Cortlandt Homes housing project – a project Roark had secretly designed and allowed Peter Keating to claim credit for.

I want ice water.

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4 thoughts on “Howard Roark´s Speech

  1. Gotta love Howard !! I think it would have been interesting if ‘Atlas Shrugged’ had been a real sequel to ‘The Fountainhead’ and incorporated some of the same characters … especially Toohey(sp) and Roark. Just a thought.


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