In Orbit…

Another of those “things worth leaving my apartment for” – I think. 🙄

In Orbit

“A multilayer, netted web 65 feet high at Germany’s K21 Staendehaus museum. The three levels of netting are connected by airfilled PVC balls reaching up to 30 feet in diameter. Those who enter Saraceno’s hybrid vision experience into a constantly fluctuating geography, in which the landscape and viewers constantly shift.

When several people enter the audacious construction simultaneously, their presence sets it into motion, altering the tension of the steel wires and the intervals between the three meshwork levels. Visitors can coordinate their activities within the space, and are able –- not unlike spiders in a web –- to perceive space through the medium of vibration.”

Reblogged from not shaking the grass on Tumblr
More info at Tomás Saraceno’s ‘In Orbit’ Is His Largest Exhibition To Date
And at the Tomás Saraceno website

It’s the “their presence sets it into motion” part that has me a bit concerned! 😯

I want ice water.

More from the Visual Treats volume

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20 thoughts on “In Orbit…

    • I had similar thoughts PT, on this one and on the Tiger & Turtle – Magic Mountain thing. But the fact that this one actually moves when people get on it makes this one even scarier! 😀


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