Between The Wolf And The Moon

Originally, I grabbed the two videos in this post intent on pondering the following issue: Whether it hurts more to live with the memory of a love once had but lost – as in my case, or living a life with no memories of having loved at all – as in the case of our fictional friend, the Wolverine? An interesting question, right? Unfortunately, things have happened this weekend to cast these videos in a different light entirely.

We all have our demons, lurking inside, mostly beyond our awareness, just waiting for a “trigger” releasing it to bring a taste of “Hell on Earth” into our lives. Having witnessed it far too often to ever want to see it again, and knowing full well that most can’t even be bothered to investigate its roots, I ended up committing what those same people consider an act of insanity: by building as many barriers between myself and them as I could.

But the thing is that, short of actually moving away to live in the wilderness where I don’t have anywhere near the skills I’d need to survive, the barriers I’ve built can provide only limited degrees of genuine isolation. Which is why, even as I write this, I am unable to escape the sounds of violence that have been leaking through my walls from the apartment next door since late last night.

And even before this latest episode from my neighbors, I was recovering from the news that my youngest son had to be admitted to the hospital late Friday night. According to him, he was trying to break up a fight between his brother (my oldest son) and another of the guys from the group they’d gone out clubbing with, and ended up being hit by the car my oldest son was driving in the parking lot outside the club.

To be fair, I haven’t actually talked to my oldest son to hear his explanation for what happened. Frankly, I’m not sure what good my asking would do anyway. After all, everyone involved was drunk at the time, so at best their memory of the events would be unreliable. And, at worst, everyone will “spin” the story to minimize their own role in the chaos. Attempting to sort through that madness is simply more than I want to deal with.

Beyond my being sick of the chaos and not wanting to sort through the lies, however, there’s another reason why I refuse to become involved: My own demon, lurking inside and waiting for the “trigger” that releases it, finally, to focus my intellect on teaching every human in my path that ultimate lesson in civility I so badly want them to learn.

Anyway… I’d rather go back to thinking about these videos in the way I originally meant to present them – as an intersting philosophical question, because while still very painful to consider, the thought of me hurting, alone and in silence, is still preferable to a vision of myself dancing gleefully in the blood of my fellow man.

I want ice water.

Us? Civilized? Not!
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Trailer
X-Men Origins: Wolverine – Film Plot Summary

More from the My Life volume

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24 thoughts on “Between The Wolf And The Moon

  1. First of all, Mak, my sympathies for your trouble.

    Second, please allow me to remind you of something I’m sure you already know, that the psychological impact of misfortune peaks at first impact and is almost invariably attenuated with time. One reason for this is that we still have a society that is compassionate in its structure. You are not alone.



  2. Sorry to here about all of that IzaakMak… Chaos is happening a lot right now.. In fact this world and many in it are seemingly caught up within its Turmoil.
    To find Peace within Chaos is hard.. So I understand how you are feeling .. Often I just want to switch OFF the world, relatives, everyone and disappear down a rabbit hole. In fact Im Late for that Date already.. ;-)… Sending you and yours a few thoughts across the airways.. with a Cosmic (( Hug )) too.. ~Sue


    • Thanks Sue. I so love that “cosmic” perspective you bring, and your “rabbit hole” sounds a lot more inviting than the one the worlds seems to be spiraling down! 😀


  3. Oh, Mak, I hope your son is not seriously injured and has a quick recovery. I’ll be thinking of him and you …

    Sue said it well. Sometimes it would be nice to just throw an OFF switch on the world. As for your philosophically question, I choose having loved and lost to never having loved at all. Painful as it was, it gave me a better understanding of what goes on in the real world (one reason why I think celibate Catholic priests shouldn’t be allowed to advise parishioners on love and marriage).


    • Thanks PT. My son is okay. Hell, he complained more about how nauseous he was from the pain medicine and not being allowed to eat or drink during his overnight stay in the hospital than he did from his actual injuries. I have to say though, that when he started off with “Man, it seems like everytime I go to the bathroom in one of those places, all hell has broken out by the time I get back!” I was really hoping that he’s learned his lesson this time. I don’t know if you read it, but this is the same son I wrote about in The Health Care Quagmire, that had to have his jaw wired shut after being jumped in another nightclub.

      I totally agree with you on choosing having loved and lost over never having loved at all. I saw something on TV recently where they were speculating about the possibility of “rewriting” human memories based on recent progress in the neurosciences. Frankly, I’m not sure who the hell I’d even be without the experiences that helped form me. And the implications for abuse are beyond frightening!

      As for “celibate” Catholic priests, I think anyone who claims he’s gonna live his whole life without sex is either a liar or a freak. Either way, I’m too suspicious to ever trust one.


  4. Firstly, I hope both your sons are OK.
    Life just loves shoving you out of your comfort zone, Izaakmak. Which is probably a good thing, though you probably don’t see it that way. You can run but you can’t hide 🙂


  5. Rough going there, man. The worst things tend to happen at the worst times, for some reason. I heard something from a TV show the other day, “You can’t solve tomorrow’s problems today.” So all I dare suggest is that you live in the moment, as much as possible, and allow these internal questions to answer themselves. Peace.


    • Thanks Scott. Your advice is well taken, and I’m trying to keep a “Shit Happens!” attitude as best I can. But for an obsessive paranoid like me, I gotta tell ya – that’s damned hard! 😀


  6. Dude, I was so busy fiddling with my blog (and life) I missed this post til now. I am so sorry and I hope all is well with your son! Geez Louise, you had a rough weekend! And what’s with the neighbors from hell? You definitely need ice water. And a big hug!


    • No problem MZ. The son is fine now. I just talked to him in fact. He’s in the process of moving back in with his mom, after living with me, then with his sister, and then with the brother that “somehow” smashed him through a fence with his car (he was just at the scene for the first time since it happened, looking for his lost phone). I’m not trying to point any fingers, because my whole family is dysfunctional as hell, but the frequent moves SHOULD be a hint.

      As for the neighbors, they seem friendly enough on the rare occasions I go outside and they happen to be out too. But the very frequent, very short, visits they receive at all hours, combined with all the off-the-hook high drama, is also a very big clue in my experience!

      I swear MZ, that Uni-bomber shack in the woods is looking better by the day!


  7. Pingback: The Transformation of Walter White | I Want Ice Water

  8. I guess calling the cops on the neighbours are out of the question or? I have one screaming couple couple of houses down the street and they are soon driving me slightly loony, for one thing they don’t speak english so can’t tell what they are arguing about, if you are going to scream and yell, do it so that I understand… 🙂 have called the cops on them but nothing happens so have given up now… let the chaos reign supreme… happy that your kids are ok though, maybe they will learn but who knows…


    • Like you, I couldn’t hear enough of what was being yelled to know what it’s all about my friend, but I do think about calling the cops, or at least the management, every time the idiots get started. Having lived around such for most of my life however, I know that making that call – without bloody pools and smoking guns to back me up – will only result in putting MYSELF in harms way as well…

      I’m glad that my sons are okay too but, seeing how they are both fully grown now and the two with the most chaos in their past, I’m having some serious doubts about them ever learning from their mistakes… 😕


  9. I hope both your sons are fine !!
    Kids…they pull you in so many directions and sometimes they put you in a spin, an uncontrolled spin. Do they learn from their mistake ? Dear God I hope so, but I am having doubts !


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