The Monster of Mental Illness – Illustrated!

Having been diagnosed with several of these disorders myself, as well as having been born into a family with a long history of (mostly undiagnosed) mental illness, this is, unfortunate, a subject with which I am all too familiar. It is my hope that efforts such as this will help open the eyes of those who just can’t seem to understand…

Sunglasses At Night

I written a lot on this blog about the problems I had growing up as a boy who was far too “sensitive” for his surroundings, and I’ve even made attempts to explore the hows and whys of it all through posts like My Dysfunctional Personality and Autism and The Urban Hermit. But it wasn’t until…

My Dysfunctional Personality

The subject of Borderline Personality Disorder came up during a recent on-line conversation. That’s when I remembered finding out, to my surprise, that my complete diagnosis actually includes that one too. I’m not sure if it’s because my doctors just don’t have the time to go into all of their findings with me, or what,…