Paranormal Cativity!

I love cats. Their mysterious and bizarre behavior just cracks me up! But have you ever wondered why it is that some people think they’re possessed by demons? Well, you might want to have a look at Exhibit A… 😉

These hilarious images from Tumblr’s Tastefully Offensive blog may just be the perfect examples! 😀

Via Tastefully Offensive, Paranormal Cativity on Tumblr

Damn, those people may just have a case. A case that’s only reinforced by these “confession” images (Exhibit B) from the I know I’m going against the grain blog! 😯

Via I know I’m going against the grain on Tumblr

You know, I think it might be time to call for some “expert” assistance! 😉

Of course, cats and religion might not be the best mix!

I want ice water.

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19 thoughts on “Paranormal Cativity!

  1. So funny, but they do act like they are possessed at times. Okay…Izaak…any chance you might go in to your settings [I think] and make it so you can see ‘full posts’ in your reader instead of the way you have it set now. I have taken to using my kindle and it makes it so much easier [hey buddy, I am getting older] with all this techno stuff if I can stay on the one page.


    • You’re right PT, I do need a cat. The question is am I qualified to give one the care and attention it deserves? Besides, my son’s allergic and I’d hate to have to give him the boot for a better roommate! 😉


  2. My cat needs to be shamed. She poops beside the litter box if I forget to change the kitty litter on time.
    And she does these random running stupid around the house things. She also eats paper and plastic. hmmmm


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