Shane Hawley’s Wile E Coyote!

I can really appreciate the sentiments AmRestorative expressed when he posted this video. As one cursed with an addictive personality, I’m more than a little familiar with obsessive and compulsive behaviors as they relate to blogging. And considering that Shane Hawley’s poem is actually spoken from the perspective of the cartoon character I related to most as a child, I can really appreciate the sentiments he expresses as well!

Via The Curse Of An Addict on Amber Restorative’s Thoughts on Disbelief,
3-Minute Egg on YouTube,
And Shane Hawley

For those of you who don’t quite “get” what I meant in my opening statement, perhaps this will help: I spent over two hours putting this post together – most of which was was on “perfecting” that opening statement! 🙄

I want ice water.

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