Demented Infidelities…

And though I know all about those men
Still I don’t remember…


I really love blogging on WordPress. But I confess that I also spend a lot of time “cheating” on Tumblr. The thing is though, with Yahoo’s takeover of that platform, I’m more than a little concerned that their “corporate mentality” will put a serious crimp in the very sexy, anything goes, “downright addictive” Tumblr blogging style that “turns me on” so much…

Oddly enough, even though all these images are being reblogged from Tumblr, where creating a mosaic like the one above is practically a no-brainer in comparison to doing it here, that platform’s limit of 10 images per post would prevent me from doing so. And as far as I know, none of Tumblr’s post formats permit an image mosaic with both leading and trailing blocks of text. Go figure.

Still, as much as I love the orderly, almost complete control that blogging on WordPress allows me, the highly addictive, anything goes, ridiculously easy, nearly all “Facebook Share-like” reblogging style of Tumblr is definitely worth keeping around too… 😀

And I’m gonna keep on lovin you
Cause it’s the only thing I wanna do…


I want ice water.

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13 thoughts on “Demented Infidelities…

  1. I don’t hold out much hope for Tumblr or Yahoo since Marissa Mayer took over. Anyone who cancels existing telecommuting policy, especially in a tech company, is not playing with a full deck. IMHO, of course.


    • Can’t argue with your reasoning PT. Old fogey attitudes simply don’t work in the high-tech age. Something I think the first image sums up quite nicely… 😀


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