Your Sunday Sermon – Wind Up

You all know how I love to use songs that speak volumes to me to help express what I’d have to write volumes to say for myself. Well, few songs have come as close to expressing my exact sentiments as Jethro Tull’s Wind Up.

When I was young and they packed me off to school
And taught me how not to play the game
I didn’t mind if they groomed me for success
Or if they said that I was a fool

So I left there in the morning with their God tucked underneath my arm
Their half-assed smiles and the book of rules
So I asked this God a question and by way of firm reply
He said, “I’m not the kind you have to wind up on Sundays”

So to my old headmaster, and to anyone who cares
Before I’m through I’d like to say my prayers
I don’t believe you, you had the whole damn thing all wrong
He’s not the kind you have to wind up on Sundays
Well you can excomunicate me on my way to Sunday school
And have all the bishops harmonize these lines

How do you dare tell me that I’m my Father’s son
When that was just an accident of Birth
I’d rather look around me, compose a better song
`Cos that’s the honest measure of my worth
In your pomp and all your glory you’re a poorer man than me
As you pick the fruits of death born out of fear

I don’t believe you, you had the whole damn thing all wrong
He’s not the kind you have to wind up on Sundays

I want ice water.

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9 thoughts on “Your Sunday Sermon – Wind Up

    • Poch, I think it’s one of the best lines of all time! To me, it reminds me of wind-up toys. Something made by man, for the pleasure of man. What kind of “God” is that! You know I’m not religious, but I know that even in the bible God names himself only as “I am that I am” – a thing that exists in it’s own right, serving its own purpose, and beyond the control of man. And yet we insist on plastering our own faces over his in an attempt to shape his existence to fit our political objectives. Sometimes it seems like the things religious people say and do are specifically designed to insult the very God they claim to worship!


  1. One of my earliest questions was why, if God is so omniscient and all-powerful, is it necessary to keep showing up every week at an appointed time and place to reassure him …


    • We both know, of course, that the reason for “Sunday Worship” has nothing to do with God. But I’d really love to hear a preacher try to answer a little kid asking that question in an “The Emperor Has No Clothes” style?!?! 😆


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