Wednesday Wake-Up…

It’s funny, the tricks the mind can play. When I woke up this morning, a song was playing in my head that I hadn’t heard in going on 50 years. I’m thinking it was that Blazing Saddles clip I included in my Shutdown Reflections… post that finally dredged it up, but I suspect that the seed was actually planted when I included those images of Florida’s Seven Mile Bridge in my Amazing Bridges Around The World!

On This April 19th

Today is April 19th, 2013. Today is also the end of a very dark and disturbing week, and dark, disturbing weeks can inspire a person like me to have some very dark and disturbing thoughts. This post is the result of quite a few hours spent fleshing out some of those thoughts. Please bear with…

Occupy Wall Street vs Tea Party

It’s a funny thing really, that despite the many distinctions that can be drawn between these two movements… Via Face Off: Occupy Wall Street vs Tea Party [infographic] In my mind at least, there’s still a “gut level” connection between them that goes all the way back to the year I was born: If you…