What, Me Worry?

It’s funny, whether it’s me worrying over my comparatively minor issues, or other people worrying over things like the so-called “fiscal cliff” or the 12/21/2012 Mayan “doomsday” date, it seems like everywhere I look these days people are feeling at least a little bit of a sense of impending doom. Well, you know me folks, and how I have my own way of dealing with such “heavy” issues…

By Poking A Stick At The Big Scary Monster!

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Here’s an intersting graphic I found by following a link in the Science-Based Life blog’s Neil deGrasse Tyson on the 2012 “Apocalypse” post:


Via Failing to Predict the End of the World

And then of course, no “end of the world” discussion would be complete without giving at least a little thought to what comes after. Here’s an interesting graphic from BatDoc that looks at the afterlife from a slightly “different” angle:

heaven is hotter than hell

Via That’s Science! #121203

I want ice water.

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