The Global Village

I received another of those really beautiful PowerPoint Presentations from my friend. After watching it, I immediately set about searching Youtube for a version of it, only to have their search engine produce zillions of wrong choices. Apparently everybody and his brother has decided to use the phrase “Global Village” for there own purposes.

So I went to SlideShare, as usual, where I knew I’d find it:

That is exactly what was contained in the PowerPoint Presentation sent by my friend – but minus the accompanying music! That’s when it occurred to me to search Google rather than Youtube, and what do you know, I hit the jackpot!

It took some doing, but I finally managed to boil a very long list down to the following 4 videos that present essentially the same information, but in 3 different ways:

The next 2 actually contain pretty much the same video, but are set to different pieces of excellent music. I couldn’t bring myself to reject either:

And finally, a version for the kids:

I don’t know about you, but this stuff has really given me something to think about!

I want ice water.

6 thoughts on “The Global Village

    • Even that fabled “invisibility cloak” can’t hide these facts! But as long as people think that our problems are too big to deal with, they might as well be invisible anyway. 😐


  1. Blahahahahaa I’m already screwed, not one friggin Aussie made it on the list. Oh well at least I can read 🙂

    “Sing like no one is listening” blahahahahhaa do you know how fast I would be voted off that list. Tribal council has spoken!


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