Ender’s Game

It’s funny. Every time I see an ad for the latest “tablet computer” and think of the potential they hold to transform the way education is done in this world… Every time I see my son playing one of those incredible “Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games” (MMORPG) he loves so much… Every time I hear about the “Predator” style drones now being used to fight against the seemingly unstoppable forces of international terrorism… I think of one book: Ender’s Game, the prophetic 1985 military science fiction novel by author Orson Scott Card – truly one of the most profound reading experiences of my life.

Well my friends, according to fellow blogger blurppy, those hollywood types have finally gotten around to making that incredible book into a movie starring Asa Butterfield, Harrison Ford, Sir Ben Kingsley, Hailee Steinfeld, Viola Davis and Abigail Breslin…

Fear of Reading?!?!?

This blog has evolved dramatically from what I was attempting to create when I transferred my blog from Blogger to WordPress just about a year ago. And at the risk of scaring off all my new readers who come here just for the funny stuff, and I’m pretty sure that those posts are what’s responsible…