The Lives They Left Behind

My good friend that sends the funny e-mails has also sent me a link to a very poignant site. I’ve included her message and the link below. But first, I’ve provided some music for you to listen to while you’re checking it out (the link will open in a separate window or tab). The Moody…

Judging Others

Another gem from my Inbox: Judging Others An elephant asked a camel, “Why are your breasts on your back?” “Well,” said the camel, “I think that’s an inappropriate question from somebody whose dick is on his face.” I want ice water.

Those Shoes

When this song was first released, it captured so perfectly for me the concerns I had about the antics of my then teen-aged daughter. But I think it’s also apropos to my current concerns over the way we respond in the midst of a crisis. The Eagles – Those Shoes Tell us what you’re gonna…

The Health Care Quagmire

Like most Americans I guess, I’ve been following the health care debate with some interest. But because of the philosophical issues I have with government intrusions into my life, I’ve done little more than add to comment threads and publish a post or two about the silliness of the political rancor surrounding the issue. But…


I knew, growing up, that part of my heritage was Native American. But with no actual exposure to any of the Native American cultures, it never had any real meaning to me. I do admit to having a deep emotional reaction to the environmental ad with the crying Indian: But I wrote those feelings off…

Psycho Saturday

Did you notice that I have returned to using the static ‘home’ page for this blog? Well I’ve done so for two reasons. First, I love having the image of the “thought tornado” on my blog’s cover. It really does fit the philosophy of this blog. But most importantly, that image helps to remind me…