
Bridge by Ting is not only a delight to experience, but has a beautiful moral behind it that I think is absolutely appropriate for the times we live in.

This is my animation Thesis Film done during my time at the Academy of Art University 2010. ๐Ÿ™‚

Bridge is a story about four animal characters trying to cross a bridge, but ending up as obstacles to one another in the process. The moral behind this story revolves around how there are often disagreements or competing paths in life, and the possible results of pride, obstinance, and compromise.

Music by Greg Gauba.

I want ice water.

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20 thoughts on “Bridge

  1. Wow! I’m impressed.. A great message held here too… people would rather stand stubborn to their own ways pushing others and destroying rather than Compromise or share… Such is the way of the world…
    I wonder now if they would but realise that Nature shares everything with us Humans.. as we Take take take and destroy with more and more greed… She has always been prepared to share… But mankind got greedy… And isnt prepared to stand and balance or take a backward step instead he foolishly charges forward insisting His way is the RIGHT way..
    Well maybe one day we will stand on that Bridge Face to face with Nature… and I wonder who will win that battle… not a hard guess… great animation ๐Ÿ™‚


    • Thanks Bats! Again, you’ve captured so much of what I thought when I saw this. I also thought of the big corporations using their power to dominate and of the various efforts underway right now where “little people” around the world are attempting to take some of that power back.

      You know I’ve been surprised many times at what a poor judge I can be of what my readers will or will not appreciate. This one feels good though, and reminds me of the bit from Two and a half Men where the shrink says “Once in a while I get a little wood on the ball.” ๐Ÿ˜€


  2. What a beautiful little film. With all that has transpired in Washington lately, I couldn’t help thinking the message could be: If the Dems and Repubs don’t cooperate, we little rabbits and racoons will dump ’em all off the bridge.


    • Oh, and what a dream ending that would be. Of course I’m not feeling particularly confident that “the people” would react in such a measured way. When I think of the rampant radicalism that exists out there, I’m half afraid that the actual revolt will leave the nation in smoldering ruins! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ


  3. aw what a sweet clip. I like the racoon. hahah l’m laughing at myself now. you guys are all talking about corporations and powers and stuff, and Im like…. oooh look a bunny. ๐Ÿ˜‰


  4. I too am very impressed, you are some kind of facinating character ๐Ÿ™‚ The moral is indeed very important for these times, one we need to ponder. I liked the music and your Two and a Half Men video too! LOL One of my favorite shows.
    Thank you,


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