
Jeremy Sisto was great on Law & Order, but I’ve been a fan since I first saw him in Six Feet Under. This video, from Cool Berman’s Inside post, really takes me back … in more ways than one! 😯 I want ice water. More from the Visual Treats volume

Fear of Reading?!?!?

This blog has evolved dramatically from what I was attempting to create when I transferred my blog from Blogger to WordPress just about a year ago. And at the risk of scaring off all my new readers who come here just for the funny stuff, and I’m pretty sure that those posts are what’s responsible…

Behind My Eyes

Can you see through my eyes? Can you feel what I feel? Can you know my history, my hopes, my dreams, or my pain? No? Then tell me, why would you expect me to be able to see the world as you see it? Why would you even pretend that I could? Do you remember…

My Dysfunctional Personality

The subject of Borderline Personality Disorder came up during a recent on-line conversation. That’s when I remembered finding out, to my surprise, that my complete diagnosis actually includes that one too. I’m not sure if it’s because my doctors just don’t have the time to go into all of their findings with me, or what,…