My Christmas HumBUG!

I hope you all had a very nice Christmas. As for mine… Well, it hasn’t been so great. You see, I had all these plans for a nice post series concluding with a big “spectacular” similar to my Christmas Presents For Everyone! of last year. Unfortunately, what I got instead was a recurrence of a little thing I went through 3 years ago…


Click to see what I mean...

Click to see what I mean…

Now before y’all get all concerned that I could be on my way to the psych ward again real soon, let me list a few reasons why, as recurring nightmares go, one with a 3 year gap between occurrences isn’t so bad:

First, having gone through this before, I alerted my complex management ASAP after discovering “the problem” last weekend – so I’ll only have to wait until Tuesday for “the kill team” to arrive. Hell, my son and I even have most of the prep work done already. Secondly, I’m not going through this all alone – even if it was my son who apparently brought this “little gift” home from the temp job he’s been working (I wasn’t much for visitors even before the last time this happened, so trust me, so believe me when I say we haven’t had any visitors here for months). Lastly, as I said, my son is working now, so paying for this on my own isn’t going to be part of the nightmare this time around!

On the down side, and as you might well imagine, I haven’t slept well at all since we realized we had a problem – especially since my son left to spend Christmas with the family. But he’ll be back this weekend (I think), so I’ll at least have company to share the misery with through the extermination process. But back on the bright side, despite the gruff “macho man” attitude he likes to wear, it turns out he’s every bit as freaked out over this as I am. I might even dare to hope that this will cause him to grow something like a conscience!

At any rate, that’s the gist of what my Christmas has been like this year. But just in case I haven’t been clear, here’s a little “something something” to help drive home the bitter irony of my situation…

And it just wouldn’t be right to leave off without including at least some of what I collected for those Christmas posts…

Um… Merry Christmas? 🙄

I want ice water.

More from the WusAMatta U volume

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15 thoughts on “My Christmas HumBUG!

  1. Sorry to hear your Christmas troubles, Izaak. But as you say, at least your prepared, and dealing with it better than I probably would. Hope things pick up in the new year.

    I sometimes wish I could hibernate through the whole of December and wake up in the second week of January. It’d would make life a lot less stressful!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sorry to hear this problem has recurred, but so glad you have some help this time around. Sucks it came at Christmas, but there’s no good time for bad things. Here’s hoping the New Year dawns a lot brighter.


    • There’s absolutely no good time for something like this my friend, but it is interesting that both incidents occurred during almost the same time-frame. I hope the New Year is better for us both!


  3. Pingback: Excerpts From A Post Christmas Log Jam! | I Want Ice Water!

    • Thanks Jo. Unfortunately, the ship hasn’t been righted quite yet. But the ‘kill team’ is due back in a week for another go. Hopefully, all will be well after that…


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