Robin Williams…

Robin Williams 1951-2014

Having suffered from both depression and addiction issues for many years myself, I’ve been having a very hard time trying to think objectively about the death of this wonderful man. In the end I’ve decided that I just can’t. So I’ve decided instead to just say what I’ve seen in him since I first saw him on Happy Days, before Mork & Mindy, back in the 70s. It was in his eyes. His eyes revealed hidden depths, to me at least, that spoke of an understanding that went far beyond his years. An understanding that both recognized the incredible potential for good that exists in our species, and what a tragic waste it would be if we don’t realize that potential while we have the chance. I know this is probably just me projecting my own feelings onto him, but I saw in him a man determined to show us, in any way he could, just what our human potential could allow us to become. I, for one, will miss his shining example…


This Moody Blues song was playing in my mind when I awoke yesterday morning…

I had no idea that the day’s news would provide such a powerful incentive for me to post it…


I want ice water.

More from the My Heroes volume

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20 thoughts on “Robin Williams…

  1. Pingback: A Super Post On Robin Williams | What's On My PC

  2. A sad day indeed. and a great shock to hear this news.. Sometimes those that laugh on the outside cry more on the inside.. I have found this to be so true in my life.. a great tribute you have given Robin here. x


  3. He came to earth to make us laugh and yet his parting left us crying. My world will never recover from this. He has been part of my life from Happy Days to Crazy Ones. I will never be able to watch his movies and laugh. He has left an enormous shadow. The tragedy was in the fact that behind his facade was immense sadness that not 3 wives nor 3 children could cure. What can you say about a human being who gave such a wonderful gift of laughter to the world while struggling to find his own happiness? He will truly be missed. I dread all the wannabes who will try to replace him. There will never be another Robin Williams. RIP


      • I loved what Dr Drew said (despite not being a fan) . He said depression is a disease caused by chemical imbalances. He attacked those who claimed Robin Williams has been fighting his inner demons. Robin Williams legacy will go beyond laughter, he will change the way people perceive depression …..his parting gift .


          • IzaakMak it is day 4 since Robin Williams passing and every media outlet and person in Australia is still talking about it. It will and MUST make a difference. Every movie he starred in will remind us of his pain 😦


            • As I said Loon, I really hope you’re right. I know I’ll feel that way whenever I see him in the future. But drugs to treat depression and anxiety disorders are the most prescribed drugs on the planet for a reason my friend, and that doesn’t even begin to take into account all the ways people ‘self-medicate’ – either legally or illegally. The fact is that this ‘epidemic of depression’ is a problem rooted in the philosophy that drives the way we see things and the choices we make, and not even an army of psychiatrists carrying a mountain of pills can fix it…


  4. Pingback: The Trap Of Mental Illness… | I Want Ice Water!

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