Reflections On A Lasting Peace…

A friend of mine shared the following video on Facebook, which does a fairly good job of outlining the history behind the Israeli / Palestinian conflict…

The problem with this video is that the history it outlines only goes back to the conclusion of World War II, and thus, I think, paints a picture that is not entirely accurate…

The fact is that both sides have been slaughtering each other for thousands of years, with delusional thinking as their only true justification. Neither side has any credibility in my opinion. And that holds true as well for those of us who think we can help broker a lasting peace, with our hands drenched in blood spilled for the same stupid reasons…

I want ice water.

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16 thoughts on “Reflections On A Lasting Peace…

  1. “Neither side has any credibility in my opinion.” I agree. The current violence started with both sides killing children, and Israel has continued the killing at a rate of 200 to 1. That’s not self-defense; that’s extermination.


    • It is indeed extermination PT, but there is no such thing as “the current violence” in my opinion. As for the “200 to 1” kill ratio numbers, that’s a quagmire I just refuse to step into…


    • Very interesting M-R. It actually reminds me a little of Ayn Rand, so I did a little searching…

      I should point out that Rand’s endorsement of Israel went only to the advancements they brought to the area and to the savage acts of the Arabs who resented those advancements. They should in no way be construed as an endorsement of any kind of religion. The full interview can be seen at Ayn Rand on Donahue 1979.


  2. Bother – hadn’t finished … Anyway; one could spend one’s life looking at the pros and cons according to the two sides, and never get any closer to a solution …


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