Oh Damn I’m Feeling Old Today

Oh man but I’m feeling old today! I guess “The Gawds” must be punishing me for the great time I had with the comment exchanges yesterday. You know, the ones I had to drop out of, finally, when I realized that my back was becoming painfully locked into that edge-of-my-seat-stooped-over-my-keyboard-squinting-at-my-monitor posture I’d been in for hours? I do tend to get excited when I’m making positive contact with my fellows:

But, I guess because of that ever-present potential for misunderstanding, there’s always a certain amount of tension in the back of my mind:

My thanks to PANOS, again, for the start point trick

Anyway, I awoke with some pretty serious pain in my neck, shoulders, and lower back this morning. But, after a double dose of ibuprofen and caffeine (an amazingly effective combination!), a nice lathering of capsaicin cream, and a couple of “magic” hours, I finally feel good enough to post the “relaxing music” I meant to post last night!

I heard teasing little scraps of these songs playing in the background of a TV show on Saturday night and, knowing that I’d recognize them if I could just hear more, I naturally couldn’t stop myself from launching a massive search. I actually ran across the Green Grass and High Tides song during that same search, and posted it first only because I liked the Father’s Day association so much.

Allman Brothers Band lyrics

Dan Steely lyrics

I want ice water.

More of my Random Ravings

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14 thoughts on “Oh Damn I’m Feeling Old Today

  1. Everything I know about humanity I learned from Bugs Bunny. Consider just how true that statement could be: how to deal with imbeciles, how to escape from bad situations, how to get on someone’s nerves, how to steal the limelight, how to be a smartass, how to use language to undo opponents.

    Oh, the locked back thing, can truly relate, not because I get the great comment sequences that you do but because I sit here for hours in the same position and forget to move.


  2. You know, I’ve never understood people’s complaints about those early cartoons being too much of a “violent influence” on kids. Most of them were made very early in the 20th century, and I don’t see a “violent influence” reflected in the generations that grew up watching them. On the other hand, today’s kids are a whole different story, and the cartoons they watched while growing up were almost totally sanitized!

    This has to be at least the 20th comment in a row I’ve responded to tonight (I’ve managed to get a little behind :oops:). My back is killing me! 🙄


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