Nightmares and Murder

I awoke before daylight this morning in the midst of one of the scariest nightmares I’ve had in quite some time. And like most nightmares, the memory quickly began to fade. Since I had no intention to write about it at all, the memory has faded even more now that over seven hours have passed.

What I do remember is that there was a stunningly beautiful woman in this dream that I had come to fear because of my unnaturally strong attraction to her. I also remember that someone else became involved with me in an attempt to do something to her with a red hot length of metal. I jerked awake to the image of her stroking her beautiful cheeks with the red hot metal (which now looked like a dagger) – while saying, with a smile, how it would help to maintain her complexion.

So that’s how my day started. And why am I telling you this? Well it’s what happened at noon that provided the next shocker for the day, and brought about the urge to remember the dream. If you’ve paid any attention at all to my writings here, you’ll be aware of my struggles to deal with the ramifications of having grown up amongst violent and intensely superstitious people. I wouldn’t dream of discussing this dream with them because I know that listening to their attempts to “interpret” it would be worse that the dream itself. And getting into a debate with them over such issues has never been a good idea.

Well anyway, there I was watching the noon news, and what do I see but a photo of my great-nephew who is being reported as on the run from that law after having murdered his estranged girlfriend last night. I called my son in to see the rest of the report and, after we sat in stunned silence for a minute, we began to discuss what we knew of his personality and guessing at why he might have done such a thing.

We both agreed that he was the kind of person that didn’t handle things not going his way very well – at all. My son said that his experience with his second cousin was that he thought that the women in his life were his “property” and that he could see him possibly becoming violent with one that didn’t do what he wanted. I simply verbalized a guess that perhaps he had found one that he’d become so attached to that he simply couldn’t handle her not wanting to be with him. And that’s when I thought of the dream.

I remembered all the times, during the ordeal of my marriage, when my mother and sister had speculated that my wife must have some “unnatural” hold on me or else I would have separated from her before it ever developed into such a disaster. I won’t bore you by repeating some of the bizarre things they told me that women would do to maintain control over their men. You can use your imagination, and your experience watching horror movies, to give you some idea of what I’m talking about. What’s important is that hearing all this stuff, and remembering having heard things like that before while growing up, had been giving me nightmares at that time similar to the one I had last night.

So what am I trying to say here? I’m not really sure. All I know is that the scientific thinker in me says that my dream is not some phenomena of clairvoyance or precognition. But the small child in me that still shudders from the stories of my childhood is nevertheless shuddering again today. And, assuming my great-nephew is actually guilty of this terrible crime, then there is absolutely no excuse for it and he should pay whatever price the law requires. But considering that he no doubt heard a lot of the same nonsense growing up that I did, I can’t say that I’m surprised that he grew up to be a dangerous lunatic.

I want ice water.

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4 thoughts on “Nightmares and Murder

  1. Hey Mak,
    Both this and ‘The Seering’ are so good I don’t know which to pick!
    So choose which you would like reposted.
    I’ll critic the articles later.


    • Gee Poch, I really don’t know! Both posts have such meaning to me personally that I’m hesitant to pick one over the other. Your readers have no doubt already got a pretty good impression of how dysfunctional my family is, and seeing how The Seering is my first posted piece of fiction and was so hard to get to a point where I felt comfortable posting it, I’d have to go with it. Besides, maybe comments from your other reader’s well prove to me that you aren’t just being overly generous it your praise. 🙂


  2. I have to point out something rather intriguing here – perhaps what they call a Fruedian slip? “And, assuming my great-nephew is actually guilty of this terrible crime, then there is absolutely no excuse for it and she should pay whatever price the law requires. ”
    “great nephew is guilty..SHE should pay whatever price….”
    How’s that for a twist? You inadvertantly wrote that the woman should pay the price for your nephews wrongs. Which apparently is exactly what she did; the ultimate price, her life. A typo, obviously, but one wonders why that appears to be the only typo, and why your 1st commentor didn’t catch it?

    As for the scientist in you not wanting to see the dream as a paranormal experience, I would think also the scientist would be even more curious as to what lies beneath the thin film of reality we all are woven into. I think when you are connected to people, it is also “spirit”, a oneness , a kind of cyber-spirit. And you get email updates of their peak moments, as we are all living in the form of energy first. Interactive energy. As Isaac Newton wrote in Principia De Mattica (spg?) “All energy delights itself in transmutations” in that it transmutates from energy into congealed mass/solid, back into energy again. Birth and death confirms this, and E=MC2 calculates that energy in mass, as relative but exponential, and at the speed of light! I, for one, don’t doubt you had some kind of a message through your very disturbing dream that night.

    – Spectra


    • Thank you for your very insightful comment Spectra. Thanks also for pointing out my typo! Usually, I’d let it go in such an old post, but that’s a biggie which has now been fixed. If you’re curious, my great-nephew is now serving a life sentence for this crime and, as you might expect, there are those in my family who think he’s been wrongfully imprisoned. Other than the results of the judicial process, I have nothing but his track record to base an opinion on, but my gut tells me that he’s exactly where he belongs.

      On the subject of the paranormal, I try very hard to keep an open mind in all areas. And, unlike many, I think that there is just too much anecdotal evidence to dismiss outright that such phenomena are real. On the other hand, history has proven repeatedly that decisions made based on supernatural beliefs will likely lead to tragic results. 😕


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